Monday, April 8, 2013

Confirmation Sunday - Knowing Your Faith History, Confirming Your Faith History, Living Your Faith History

When we listen to the news, one word comes up over and over.   There are many things that make us uneasy, even afraid:  SECURITY! 

World Political Security   
This week we held our breath afraid that North Korea would so something to threaten world security.  We have been praying for months that Syria would find a way to a new beginning.  Iran also continues to threaten a new beginning of nuclear war.   Internet threats also pose a danger to all of us. 

Often the pounding at Ft. Riley rattles our house and tells me that we have much left to do to bring the world to where God wants.

Global Financial Security

Financial stability continues to be keep worries on the table as some banks and big companies have problems and even nations worry about debt collapsing their countries structure.

National Security

So we spend billions on defense and security.  What is about human beings that we have to lock everything and spend so much of our abundance on defense when the whole world could be about ending hunger, poverty, oppression, and war. 

Personal Security

Americans frequently put security systems in their homes.  Our own nation is a giant debate over whether guns provide security or make things more dangerous. More in news all the time are the possible theft of our personal identity.  One member of our church has been targeted with identity theft and I hope they find the man using his name.

In the midst of fear people do some strange things, even corporations.  The slides shown during the reading of the scripture were from The Brick Bible, a new book by Brendan Powell Smith.  His book pictures the Bible scenes with Legos.  He wanted to present the Bible in a new way in tune with the world.  That is what Jesus did:  he told stories about seeds and flowers and birds and a camel going through the eye of a needle.  That is what John Wesley did.  When people were not coming to the churches, he took the gospel out to the people.  He preached in the open spaces.  Our denomination began that way.  We need to continue that for us to live our faith.

Wal-Mart was very interested in stocking them until they learned that parts of the Bible were left in, even the parts about violence and sexuality.  So Smith took out a bunch of the images out and Wal-Mart still won’t stock it.  There is nothing in the book that was not in the Bible. 

Fear was what drove the death of Jesus on the cross.  Rome feared that Jesus would cause a rebellion.  And now the disciples were afraid that what happened to Jesus would happen to them and they were not yet ready for that.  Being crucified as a political and religious threat was not something they signed up for being disciples. They were also afraid at what Jesus would say.  They had disappointed Jesus and themselves.  When Jesus needed them most they deserted him.  One of the miracles of Easter is that he did not blame or shame them.  Jesus did not blame Thomas for doubting.  He came back to clarify the truth.  Doubting is how we determine things are true or not. 

Thomas shows us that doubting can be a path to bold faith.  We don’t often remember but Thomas is also the man who said:  Then let us go so that we may die with him!”  His confession of Jesus as My Lord and My God is one of the strongest of the whole New Testament. 

Retracing this journey of Thomas encourages regular attendance and involvement.  If you are not in attendance you might miss something.  Regular attendance at worship and Sunday school for all ages, gives you a front row seat to what God is doing through us.  Often a small group is the place where you experience the presence of Christ.  Regular attendance gives you a family of support.  Regular attendance helps you discover the possibilities of human friendship so valued by God.  Regular attendance puts you in places where your gifts and your talents can make a difference in other’s lives.

The disciples had up their best defenses and Jesus came right through.  Locked doors, closed minds, and hard hearts are not something that will block God’s work.  Intense worry, fear, and guilt don’t keep God out…that is when God can enter in.  There is no set of human security measures that are stronger or better than Christ’s presence bringing peace, gratitude, and renewal.

And now here is one more thing that is amazing about Easter.  “He gave the earliest disciples an assignment.  “As the Father sent me, so I send you.”  We are all sent to show the world how hospitality works, how community works, and how compassion changes the world.    We are to leave our locked rooms and leave behind our fears.  We are to do all the good we can.  Living and telling the Easter story changes the world.   The assignment is to make become disciples and then make disciples for the transformation of the world.

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